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I AM NOT MY HOUSE! Kitchen Design Mistakes Are Not A Reflection on YOU!

Jun 03, 2022
kitchen stove and countertops with kitchen knives and decor


I made a video this week for my Youtube channel about the 3 biggest mistakes I see in kitchens. These mistakes drive me bonkers because they are easy fixes, amateurish mistakes.  

Isn’t that so snobby, designer a-hole ish of me to say? 

Yes. But, I’m not a snob.  I know real people make real choices in real kitchens based on size, location, budget and family circumstances, so I don’t take trashing a kitchen lightly. Nor do I hail from Royal blood.

I remember the brown flowers on the wallpaper in our kitchen from the 70's.

I lived with almond, laminate cabinets with that hideous wood strip of a handle at the bottom in our first bungalow, thanks to the 80's.

We just voluntarily bought a fixer with a kitchen from the "Goldberg’s" of the CHEAP 90’s.


I’ve lived and will continue to live with crap and sub-par design choices until we can finish renovations.  Then I will start again. 

It’s not you.

It’s the house, the kitchen, the tile in the bathroom.


It’s a thing that sometimes;

  • wasn’t your choice,
  • isn’t affordable to fix right now
  • went out of style
  • was always a bad design
  • OR a bad decision


Clients almost always apologize when I first come to their house (unless they’ve been to mine first!). A designer's eye inspecting your every choice. 

She knows, she knows!!!

"Oh, sorry about that...

"Don’t mind the pile of shoes...

"Excuse the mess, we just had...

"He’s been meaning to fix that cabinet door...


Embarrassed homeowners, looking downward in shame, trailing off about a 'honey do' list that never got done as they shove something away in a drawer. 


Stop worrying about your surroundings being a reflection of who you are. 

They aren’t.

You aren’t your drafty windows


Powder blue tub. 


So how do we do better?

Ever bought something way out of your comfort zone?

I switched from Android to Iphone a few years ago and I'm still bitter. I blame my daughters.  The tracking features are much better for the iphone. 

It took days to get slightly acclimated.  My husband, 3 phones deep into our Iphone commitment, just learned how to take a screenshot.


Have you tried something new? Maybe scuba diving?

Lessons and classes for days, experts nearby when you dive. They don’t let you do it alone!

You get my point, I hope.


Insert dead horse here.


Design is complex, when done right.  Any caveman can build a house, but doing it well is not innate in most of us.  We live and we learn.  We can ask for help with the confidence of a straight A student, ready to make life, and home, better than it was before. 

With no guilt about NOT knowing, from birth, how to breathe underwater!

Smart enough to know YOU are not your environment.  If you want to better it, you can learn from what works now, what you need and what will make it work for you and yours. AND...



Because, it IS work and lots of it.  Doing anything well takes time, energy, information and practice!  Sometimes, even that’s not enough.  I have aha’s with every design, every project.  Not regrets, but next time I’ll remember and do….  Alright, I have a few regrets.  But, it's so worth it when you get it right! 


I mean, soooooooo worth it when you know it works and looks beautiful.


We work to better ourselves in every aspect of our lives, right?

Courses, eating right, training, meditation, working out, and dare I think it, approaching 60, (someday)…botox?


The "biggest" mistakes, those, we can fix with a silly video. 


The pride and confidence in your decisions for your home is deeper.  That's more of a skill that comes from looking at your life and your needs.

Then, look for help.  Take those learnins’ to get your home designed well and looking fabulous!


I’m around if you need more help! Still learning my Iphone.

Download my free cheatsheet to get started. 





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